The test establishes if a detector is operating correctly and can also be used to indicate if a device needs to be replaced due to age or contamination.
These tests are carried out with the detector in situ and can be incorporated into a scheduled service visit if required. They do not involve any additional disruption and can provide a much greater degree of certainty than a standard detector test. Detector sensitivity can, and does, drift. Over-sensitivity leads to false alarms, under-sensitivity to late alarms - or no alarms. The need for functional testing through introducing a smoke type stimulus is well recognised.
We carry out on-site surveys of smoke detector sensitivity levels, to establish that detectors are operating within the required parameters as stated by the manufacturer. This service is useful in the event of a small fire where the sensitivity of a smoke detector may be called into question. The test establishes if a detector is operating at the required level and can also be used to indicate if a device needs to be replaced due to age or contamination.
Comsec use the Solo Trutest range to provide an accurate reading of the sensitivity of the detector. This test can eliminate false or unwanted alarms in the case of over-sensitivity and failure to detect smoke in the case of under-sensitivity.
Computer Centre Dublin
We were requested to test the sensitivity of the fire detection installed in a computer room in the centre of Dublin. A fire had occurred in the adjoining premises and the operators of the computer room required reassurance that their Fire Alarm was functioning correctly. Our test provided this reassurance.
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