Independent Audits
When the fire alarm and detection standard was updated in 2009 a provision was made for the third party audit and verification of a system.We carry out these audits on a completely independent and unbiased basis and we issue detailed reports on each building and system audited.We have carried out many audits on existing systems ranging from simple visual inspections, where a client may have some concerns over the status of the fire alarm system, to large full building audits with complete testing and verification of all the system components and fire compartmentation.
Many of these audits have brought to light serious deficiencies not only in the Fire alarm and Emergency lighting systems installed, but also in associated services such as automatic smoke vents and fire compartmentation. We have assisted numerous stakeholders in obtaining compliance with the statutory fire regulations and obtaining the appropriate certification.
All our audits are signed off by our fully qualified Fire Engineer who holds a Masters in Fire Engineering.
Typical Applications
The need for independent auditing of Fire Alarm systems can arise where a client becomes uneasy about some aspect of the system or where they are unhappy with the service they are receiving. They can often result from statutory inspections of a premises where the inspector is unhappy with some aspect of a buildings compliance with regulations.
Nursing Homes
We have often undertaken audits of the Fire Alarms installed in nursing homes. These have been carried out directly for the client who wished to be sure that their paperwork and systems were in order and in compliance with statutory requirements. We issued detailed reports and made recommendations where appropriate.